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Processing Vacanices from New System

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--> OACC181485 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181481 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181482 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181483 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181484 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181479 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181478 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181477 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181476 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181475 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181470 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181473 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181469 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181467 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181468 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181462 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181465 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181461 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181457 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181460 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181456 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181449 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181452 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181453 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181413 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181408 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181401 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181397 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181398 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181385 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181362 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181339 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181340 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181335 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181337 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181336 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181330 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181321 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181296 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181275 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181261 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181251 is still live, leaving
--> OACC181225 is still live, leaving
--> OACC180322 is still live, leaving
--> OACC180124 is still live, leaving